
What we do

We believe our main strength lies in the combination of our software engineering skills, our knowledge of the machine learning and intelligent audio processing research field, and our hands-on experience with music creation tools. Our activities cover a broad range of topics:

  • R&D project management
  • music and audio processing technology advisory
  • product development
  • technology integration
  • technology refinement and prototyping (for companies and research organizations)
  • R&D on smart audio processing (feature extraction, machine learning, ...)
  • application of machine learning / AI techniques on your use case
  • software engineering
  • audio plugin development (C++, JUCE, VST/AU/AAX, ...)
  • music and audio technology consulting
  • customization of our technologies for your use case
  • and more...

If you think we may be able to help you realize your projects, feel free to contact us.


Some of the companies and organizations we have worked for:

logo ASAsense
logo dotOcean
logo Mixify (became part of Chew, then BandLab) / Rockstar Music, Inc.
logo BreakoutBand / Rockstar Music, Inc.
logo Solid State Logic / Sydec Audio Engineering
logo UVI / Ultimate SoundBank / Univers Sons
logo Ghent University
logo Baekeland Fund
logo Music Technology Group (MTG)
logo Barcelona Music and Audio Technologies (BMAT)
logo SpliceMusic
logo FLStudio / Image Line
logo Spectrasonics
logo Plogue